Wednesday, August 21, 2024


ഒമ്പതാം ക്ലാസ്സ്‌ ജീവശാസ്ത്രത്തിലെ  DIGESTION AND TRASPORT OF NUTRIENTS/ദഹനവും പോഷകസംവഹനവും-  എന്ന 
 പാഠം പഠിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിഞ്ഞിരിക്കേണ്ട  GK QUESTIONS

1. What are the projections on the surface of the tongue called? 

  • Papillae

2. How many types of amino acids are found in proteins? 

  • 20

3. What is the digestive enzyme in the stomach? 

  • Pepsin

4. What acid in the stomach kills bacteria that enter with food? 

  • Hydrochloric acid

5. Which nutrient provides energy for the body's metabolic processes? 

  • Carbohydrates

6. What substances regulate the rate of chemical reactions in the body? 

  • Enzymes

7. What type of tooth is absent in herbivores? 

  • Canine teeth

8. What is the study of nutrition called? 

  • Trophology

9. How long does it take for digestion to complete? 

  • 4-5 hours

10. What pigments are present in bile? 

  • Bilirubin and biliverdin

11. Where is bile stored? 

  • In the gall bladder

12. What part of the digestive system absorbs water from food? 

  • Large intestine

13. What enzyme acts on starch? -

  • Amylase

14. Where is food digestion completed? 

  • Small intestine

15. What type of tooth helps in chewing food? 

  • Molar teeth

16. What is the special type of contraction and relaxation of the esophagus called? 

  • Peristalsis

17. What was the first enzyme discovered? 

  • Diastase

18. What enzyme is produced by salivary glands? 

  • Salivary Amylase

19. What structure prevents food from entering the trachea? 

  • Epiglottis

20. What salt is lost from the body during dehydration? 

  • Sodium chloride

21. What antibiotic causes teeth to lose color? 

  • Tetracycline

22. How long is the human digestive tract? 

  • 30 feet

21. The enzyme which found in pancreatic juice, help in the digestion of protein is: 

  •   Trypsin
 22. Saliva acts on which food component?
  •   Starch
 23. Name the Mineral that help in maintenance of necessary water in the body 
  •  Sodium 
 24. The longest part of the small intestine 
  •   Ileum 
 25.Which enzyme helps to convert protein into peptide 
  •   Trypsin 
 25. The number of permanent teeth  present in human are
  •   32
 26. Length of human large intestine is -
  •   1.4 m
 27. What is the Anatomical name of human's cheek 
  •  Bucca
 28. Length of human's small intestine is
  •  6 to 7 meters 
 29. How many canines are there to help cut and tear the food 
  •   4
 30. Name the living tissue  made of teeth 
  •   dentine 
 31. The scientists from which country discovered the tuberian salivary gland 
  •  The Netherlands 
 32. Which organ of the body is the duodenum related to? 
  •   small intestine
 32. How many incisors do adults have that help in biting?
  •   8
 33. How many molars are there for help in  chewing the food? 
  •   12
 34. How many premolars are there that help in chewing? 
  •  8
 35. Which part of the body is affected by periodontitis? 
  •  Gum
 36. Name the part in tooth where the blood vessels and nerves are located 
  •   Pulp cavity
 37. Which is the Hormone produced in the stomach in the absence of food -
  •  ghrelin
 38. The thickest part of the human body 
  •   Tooth enamel
 39. Which enzyme helps in the conversion of starch into maltose? 
  •   Pancreatic amylase
 40. A hormone that help in production of glucose from protein and fat 
  •  Cortisol

 41.Which enzyme helps in converting fat into fatty acid and glycerol? 

  •  Pancreatic lipase
 42. Finger-like parts for absorption found in the wall of the small intestine 
  • Villas
 43. In which part of the digestive system are nutrients absorbed into the blood? 
  •   small intestine
 44. Calcium-containing connective tissue that holds the teeth together in the gingival cavities -
  •  Cement 
 45. A grain that cannot be digested by the human body 
  •  Cellulose
 46. ​​The 81st organ in the human body 
  •  Tubarian salivary gland
 47. Where does the digestion of meat begin? 
  •   Stomach
 48. Basic tastes 
  •   Bitter, sour, salty, sweet 
 49. Hydrochloric acid producing part of stomach – 
  •  Parotid cells in the gastric gland 
 50. Name of the food in the form of mush in the stomach 
  •  Kim
 51. Where does the digestion of food substances begin?  
  •  by mouth
 52. Salivary Digestible Nutrient Starch Amount of saliva produced in a day 
  •   One and a half liters
 53. Connecting mouth and stomach 
  •   Esophagus
 54. The widest part of the digestive system 
  •   Stomach 
 55. The largest salivary gland in humans 
  •   Parotid 
 56. Where is Burner's gland found?
  •  Iodine
 57. Hormone produced in the stomach 
  •   in gas
 58. The smallest salivary gland 
  •   Sublingual gland 
 59. Starvation 
  •   Anorexia
 59. Absorption of food is complete due to which feature of small intestine 
  •  Villai
 60.Salivary gland found irregularly between chins 
  •   Submaxillary gland

61 : Jarvik 7 is the name of which artificial human organ?

  • Heart
62 : Which organ is related to Stent treatment?
  • Heart
63 : Which organ is affected by Coronary Thrombosis?
  • Heart
64 : Which organ's function is affected by High Cholesterol?
  • Heart
65 : Electrocardiograph is used to monitor the activity of which organ?
  • Heart
66 : Which organ is related to Bypass Surgery?
  • Heart
67 : How much time is required for the heart to beat once?
  • 0.8 seconds
68: What plastic is used to make an artificial heart valve?
  • Teflon
69 : Which organ is not affected by Cancer?
  • Heart
70 : What is the heart rate of a newborn baby?
  • 130 times per minute
71 : What is the condition called when the heart rate drops below 60 per minute?
  • Bradycardia
72 : What is the condition called when the heart is located on the right side of the body instead of the left?
  • Dextrocardia
73 : Cardiology is the study of what?
  • Heart 
74 : What is the valve between the left atrium and ventricle called?
  • Bicuspid valve
75 : Which part of the heart receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through veins?
  • Left atrium
76 : Which test is called an ultrasound scan of the heart?
  • Echocardiogram
77 : What is the outermost layer of the heart called?
  • Pericardium
78 : What is the valve between the right atrium and ventricle called?
  • Tricuspid valve
79 : What part of the heart initiates and regulates heartbeats?
  • Sinoatrial node
80 : Pacemaker of heart is known as ?
  • S.A. node
81. What is the condition called when the heartbeat is higher than average?
  • Tachycardia
82. What is the size of a person's heart compared to their body part?
  • Fist
83. How many days old is a human embryo when the heart starts beating?
  • 22 days
84. What is the main component of blood?
  • Water
85. What is the weight of a human heart in males and females?
  • Male - 340 grams, Female - 255 grams
86. What is the name of the valve between the left atrium and right ventricle?
  • Mitral valve
87. What are the upper chambers of the human heart called?
  • Atria
88. From which chamber of the heart is pure blood pumped?
  • Left ventricle
89. Why do women have a lower risk of heart disease compared to men?
  • Estrogen protection
90. What is the most common blood group found in humans?
  • O Group
91. What is the longest-living blood cell?
  • Red blood cell
92. What is the smallest white blood cell?
  • Lymphocyte
93. What is the most abundant and diverse tissue in the body?
  • Connective tissue
94. Why is a person who has eaten chocolate massaged and pressed?
  • To reduce blood viscosity
95. What method is used in clinical labs to separate blood cells from blood samples?
  • Centrifugation
96. What is the "blood bank" of the human body called?
  • Spleen
97. What is the procedure called to remove blood clots from blood vessels?
  • Angioplasty
98. How much blood is pumped into the arteries each time the heart beats?
  • 70 milliliters
99. What is bad cholesterol commonly known as?
  • LDL
100. Who classified living things as red-blooded and non-red-blooded?
  • Aristotle
101. What chemical is used to prevent blood clotting during dialysis? 
  • Heparin
102. What percentage of blood is plasma? 
  • 55%
103. What is the color of plasma? 
  • Pale yellow (Plasma is 90-92% water and 7-8% proteins)
104. What is the average amount of blood in the human body? 
  • 5 liters
105. What is the term for bleeding from the nose? 
  • Epistaxis
106. Which plasma protein regulates blood pressure? 
  • Albumin
107. What type of connective tissue contains blood vessels and nerve fibers in the tooth? 
  • Pulp
108. What percentage of blood is made up of blood cells? 
  • 45%
109. Which blood group can donate blood to anyone? 
  • O group
110. What is the lifespan of red blood cells? 
  • 120 days
111. What is the largest artery? 
  • Aorta
112. What shape is the red blood cell? 
  • Disc-shaped
113. Who discovered blood transfusion? 
  • James Blundell
114. What condition occurs when the blood's ability to carry oxygen is reduced? 
  • Anemia
115. Which blood cell is most abundant in the human body? 
  • Red blood cell
116. What percentage of water is in blood? 
  • 90%
117. Which blood cell helps blood clotting? 
  • Platelets
118. Which metal helps blood clotting? 
  •  Calcium
119. Does blood pressure decrease when one is sleeping? 
  • Yes
120. What is the usual amount of blood that can be donated by a person at one time? 
  • 300 milliliters
121. Who coined the terms universal donor and universal recipient in relation to blood donation?
  • Roger Lee
 122.Which scientist's blood samples were used to prepare a genetic map for the first time in the world 
  •  James Watson
 124. What Carries hormones
  •   the blood 
 125. Where are antigens found in blood?
  •  on the surface of red blood cells
 126.Which is the white blood cell associated with allergy?
  •  Eosinophil
 127. What is  the mediator between blood and tissues 
  •   lymph
 128.Part of the blood where antibodies are located 
  •  Plasma
 129.Which Plasma protein helps in blood clotting 
  •  Fibrinogen
 130. Which is the  rarest blood group 
  •  AB negative 
 131.Who Invented the stethoscope 
  •  Rene Laennec
 132.From where  hemoglobin is converted to bilirubin? 
  •  Spleen
 133. Who invented capillaries? 
  •  Marcello Malpighi 
 134. In human, which heart chamber has the thickest wall 
  •  Left ventricle 
 135. What system does viper venom affect?
  •  circulatory system
 136. Which component of blood is affected by carbon monoxide 
  •  Hemoglobin
 137. Name the Process of making blood cells 
  •  hematopoiesis
 138. The Fluid that comes out after blood clots 
  •  Serum 
 139. Thrombocyte is another name of
  •    Platelet 
 140. What is the Anticoagulant in human body
  •   Heparin
141. What is the normal blood pressure of a human being? 
  • 120/80 mmHg
142. What condition occurs when an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus during pregnancy? 
  • Erythroblastosis fetalis
143. Who discovered blood groups? 
  • Karl Landsteiner
144. What field is Karl Landsteiner associated with in medicine? 
  • Blood transfusion
145. What is the liquid part of blood called? 
  • Plasma
146. What is the pigment in blood called? 
  • Hemoglobin
147. Which enzyme helps blood to clot? 
  • Thrombokinase
148. What are very thin arteries and veins called? 
  • Capillaries
149. What is the study of blood vessels called? 
  • Angiology
150. Which vein carries pure blood? 
  • Pulmonary vein
151. Where are blood cells produced in the body? 
  • In the bone marrow
152. Who developed the first artificial pacemaker? 
  • Wilson Greatbatch
153. Which blood group is known as the universal recipient? 
  • AB blood group
154. Which organ is known as the graveyard of red blood cells? 
  • Spleen
155. Who developed the first blood bank? 
  • Charles Richard Drew
156. What substance gives blood its red color? 
  • Hemoglobin
157. What device measures blood pressure? 
  •  Sphygmomanometer
158. Who discovered blood transfusion? 
  • Jean-Baptiste Denis
159. Who discovered blood circulation? 
  • William Harvey
160. What component plays a major role in blood clotting? 
  • Platelets
161 : What is known as soldier of the body?
  • White blood cells.
162 : What is the main symptom of hemophilia?
  • Blood not clotting.
163 : From where the red blood cells are formed?
  • In the bone marrow.
164 : Which blood cell provides immunity?
  • White blood cells.
165 : Who discovered the electrocardiogram?
  • Willem Einthoven.
166 : Which is the oxygen-carrying factor in human blood?
  • Hemoglobin.
167 : Which artery carries impure blood?
  • Pulmonary artery.
168 : Blood cell that produces antibodies?
  • White blood cells
169 : How much blood is in a healthy human body?
  • 5 liters.
170 : What is the study of blood called?
  • Hematology.
171 : Leukocytes are known as?
  • White blood cells
172 : Which X-ray is taken after injecting dye into the blood vessels?
  • Angiogram.
173 : What is hematuria?
  • Blood in the urine.
174 : How long does it take for blood to clot?
  • 8-15 minutes.
175 : What device helps count blood cells?
  • Hemocytometer.
176 : Erythrocytes are known as ?
  • Red blood cells

177 : What is the condition of having too many red blood cells called?
  • Polycythemia.
178 : What is the condition of having too many white blood cells called?
  • Leukocytosis.
179 : The condition which decreasing white blood cells called?
  • Leukopenia.
180 : What is the condition of having too many platelets called?
  • Thrombocytosis.
181. What is the condition called when platelets decrease?
  • Thrombocytopenia.
182. How long does it take for bleeding to stop when a human gets injured?
  • 2-7 minutes.
183. What is the process of blood cell formation called?
  • Hemopoiesis.
184. What is referred to as the "river of life"?
  • Blood.
185. Which blood cell helps in the formation of antibodies?
  • Lymphocyte.
186. Which blood cell helps in the formation of heparin?
  • Basophils.

187. What is the circulation of blood from the right ventricle to the lungs and back to the left atrium called?
  • Pulmonary circulation.
188. What prevents blood clotting in leeches?
  • Hirudin.
189. Who performed the first heart transplant surgery?
  • Dr. Christiaan Barnard.
190. What is the condition called when blood sugar levels decrease?
  • Hypoglycemia.
191. Where is the headquarters of the World Heart Federation located?
  • Geneva.
192. What is the main cause of high blood pressure?
  • Salt.
193. What is another name for monocytes?
  • Phagocytoses.
194. What percentage of plasma is water?
  • 95%.
195. What percentage of iron is found in hemoglobin in the human body?
  • 65%.
196. Which blood cell does not have a nucleus?
  • Red blood cell.
197. What is the organ referred to as the "body's military camp"?
  • Spleen.
198. Which organ stores T-cells and B-cells, the main components of the immune system?
  • Spleen.
199. What is considered the most complete food?
  • Milk.
200. What is the most abundant element in the human body?
  • Oxygen.
201. Which vitamin is abundant in brown rice? 
  • Vitamin B
202. Which vitamin is found in rainwater? 
  • Vitamin B12
203. What is the chemical name of Vitamin B2? 
  • Riboflavin
204. Which vitamin deficiency causes night blindness? 
  • Vitamin A
205. What is the chemical name of Vitamin C? 
  • Ascorbic acid
206. Which vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the eyes? 
  • Vitamin A
207. Which vitamin is abundant in carrots? 
  • Vitamin A
208. Which vitamin is also known as fresh food vitamin? 
  • Vitamin C
209. Where does the absorption of Vitamin K occur in the body? 
  •  Large intestine
210. Which vitamin directly participates in photosynthesis? 
  • Vitamin K
211. Which vitamin gives milk a pale yellow color? 
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
212. Which vitamin is not found in milk and eggs? 
  • Vitamin C
213. Which vitamin is most abundant in fish oils? 
  • Vitamin A
214. Which vitamin is produced by bacteria in the digestive tract? 
  • Vitamin K
215. Most vitamins are a group of similar compounds, which are called ............
  • Vitamers.
216. Which vitamin helps in the formation of synovial fluid in bones? 
  • Vitamin E
217. Which vitamin deficiency causes gum inflammation and bleeding in humans? 
  • Vitamin C
218. How many calories of energy are obtained from one gram of protein? 
  • 4.1
219. How many calories of energy are obtained from one gram of fat? 
  • 9.3
220. What is the scientific name of Vitamin B1? 
  • Thiamine
221. Who first isolated the vitamin complex before Casimir Funk in 1910? 
  • Umetero Susuki
222. What is the richest source of protein for herbivores? 
  • Soybean
223. What is the condition called when there is an excess of vitamins in the body? 
  • Hypervitaminosis
224. What is the chemical name of Vitamin K? 
  • Phylloquinone
225. Who discovered that the cause of Beriberi disease is the deficiency of Vitamin B? 
  • Casimir Funk
226. Which vitamin deficiency is commonly seen in people with excessive drinking habits? 
  • Thiamine
227. Which vitamin deficiency causes Korsakoff syndrome? 
  • Thiamine
228. Which vitamin deficiency causes peripheral neuropathy (numbness and tingling in h6ands and feet)? 
  • Thiamine
229. Which amino acid is used to produce Niacin? 
  • Tryptophan
230. Which food is richest in Vitamin K?
  • Leafy greens
231. Which vitamins are fat-soluble? 
  • A, D, E, K
232. What is Folate also known as? 
  • Vitamin B9
233. Which vitamin deficiency causes Paralysis? 
  • Vitamin B5
234. Which vitamin acts as an antioxidant due to its molecular structure? 
  • Vitamin C
235. How many types of vitamins are there based on solubility? 
  • Two
236. Which fat is converted to Vitamin D? 
  • Ergosteryl
237. What is the scientific name of Vitamin B12? 
  • Cyanocobalamin
238. What is the chemical name of Vitamin B9? 
  • Folic acid
239. Which vitamin is stored in the liver? 
  • Vitamin A
240. In what form is carbohydrate stored in the liver? 
  • Glycogen
241. Which co-vitamin is required for the absorption of Vitamin C? 
  • Vitamin P
242. Which vitamin is also an antioxidant? 
  • Vitamin E
241. Which organ produces the most urea? 
  • Liver
242. Which organ produces the most enzymes? 
  • Liver
243. Which organ produces fibrinogen in the human body? 
  • Liver
244. Which gland produces bile? 
  • Liver
245. Which organ has the ability to regenerate after recovery? 
  • Liver
246. Which organ produces the most ammonia in the human body? 
  • Liver
247. Which organ destroys toxic substances that enter the body? 
  • Liver
248. Which organ is considered the chemical laboratory of the human body? 
  • Liver
249. Which is the largest gland in the human body? 
  • Liver
250. Which is the largest internal organ in the human body? 
  • Liver
251. Which organ stores vitamins, minerals, and iron in the body? 
  • Liver
252. Which organ releases energy from fatty acids? 
  • Liver
253. Which organ converts ammonia in the blood into urea? 
  • Liver
254. Which organ stores the most vitamin A? 
  • Liver
255. Where is the substance that helps blood clotting produced? 
  • Liver
256. Which organ is mainly affected by jaundice? 
  • Liver
257. What is the most common liver disease? 
  • Jaundice
258. What disease causes liver cells to die? 
  • Cirrhosis
259. What metal is stored in the liver? 
  • Iron.
260. What is the study of the liver called? 
  • Hepatology
261. Which organ is most damaged due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages? 
  • Liver
262. What is the average weight of a human liver? 
  • 1500 gm
263. Which is the largest lymph gland? 
  • Spleen
264. Which organ stores the main components of the immune system, T cells and B cells? 
  • Spleen
265. Which organ is called the military camp of the body and is considered a well-balanced food? 
  • Spleen

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